In December, the Transport Knowledge Hub hosted its second national workshop, reviewing what decision makers should be doing to prepare for the technological revolution coming in the field of transport. The session was chaired by Richard Threlfall (KPMG) and Charlie Simpson (KPMG), Simon Craven (Go-Ahead Group) and Professor Greg Marsden (University of Leeds) provided expert perspectives on strategy, commerce and governance.
Speaking to an audience comprising LEP chief executives, DfT officials and representatives from local government and industry, the panel addressed the issues associated with the proliferation of automated and electric vehicle technology and the ways in which central and local government can help design a transport ecosystem that is economically and environmentally sustainable.
The lively discussion covered the importance of business cases for local transport investment, the need to coordinate logistics and transport policy and a debate around what new technology means for cycling and walking.
Blog: Transport Investment under Uncertainty
David Fowler wrote a round-up of the event for our blog, which you can read here. The Transport Knowledge Hub’s second workshop addressed the question of how to approach transport investment at a time when disruptive technology was likely to have a profound effect on travel patterns, and the wrong decision could lead to millions being wasted on assets that became worthless or “stranded” midway through their life.