Claire Haigh, Founder & CEO of Greener Transport Solutions, writes a monthly column for Passenger Transport magazine.
You can read in this report 2019 issues, including:
13th December 2019: We must see this as an opportunity. Next year’s COP26 climate summit takes place in Glasgow. As the host nation we must keep our own house in order and dig deep.
15th November 2019: The road to net zero requires big changes. We must avoid wrong turns on the road to net zero. Fundamental changes will be needed to achieve this target by 2050, or sooner
18th October 2019: Are we moving in the right direction? TfSE’s new transport strategy, Scotland’s pro-bus agenda and a national debate about road user charging are signs of new thinking
20th September 2019: You can’t be green and reduce fuel duty. As the UK prepares to host COP26 in Glasgow next year it is important that it matches its fine words with concrete actions.