Greener Vision assembles thought leadership and insight on how to tackle the climate crisis. We regularly post news and blogs and we run national workshops and regional events to encourage best practice. Our current focus is the Pathways to Net Zero thought leadership programme aimed at developing a credible and deliverable framework for achieving net zero.

Pathways to Net Zero – Series II
In 2024 Greener Vision is spearheading a series of Pathways to Net Zero events that will explore how to develop a response to the climate crisis commensurate to the scale of challenge. The series will build on insights from the Greener Vision: The Art of Seeing, and will develop further ‘The Pillars of Unity’ outlined…
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The Art of Seeing
Our world is fragmented, disordered and chaotic. We are out of alignment with ourselves and the environment on which we depend. Anthropogenic climate change has been allowed to grow like a cancer with the potential to destroy the world as we know it. This is where our best thinking has got us. Greener Vision is…
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Delivering Net Zero Road Transport
The roundtable discussion Pathways to Net Zero – Delivering Net Zero Road Transport was held on 6th June 2023. This session focused on what is now the top priority for net zero: delivery. Whilst the UK has some good strategies in place, it is vital now to get the right policies in place to enable the…
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The Future We Want
The Future We Want chaired by Professor Jillian Anable, Chair in Transport and Energy, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, focused on how we can create an inspiring greener vision for the future, which will help build the mandate for change and tough decisions for the long term. In opening the discussion, the Chair…
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Hasta La Vista, Carbon!
Hasta La Vista, Carbon! chaired by Stephen Glaister CBE, Emeritus Professor of Transport and Infrastructure at Imperial College London and Associate of the London School of Economics focused on how we can develop solutions to the cost of living crisis that will accelerate the transition to net zero and enhance our energy security. In closing…
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Pathways to Net Zero – Roundtable Discussions
Building on the success of the Pathways to Net Zero roundtable series in March 2022, Trueform kindly sponsored two further roundtable discussions in October 2022. These events took the discussion to the next stage and sought to identify solutions to deliver emissions reductions at the scale and pace needed. Hasta La Vista, Carbon! chaired by…
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Pathways to Net Zero – Roundtable Discussion Series 1
The key conclusion of the Greener Transport Council’s Manifesto for Decarbonising Transport was that clean technologies will not be enough to reach our net zero targets for transport, we also need to reduce the volume of traffic on our roads. The focus of the Pathways to Net Zero programme is to develop proposals for how…
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The role of localism in ensuring a fair and just transition to net zero
This was the third event in our series on Rising to the Challenge: What will it take to decarbonise transport? which took place on Monday 13 September. Delegates heard from: Hilary Chipping, Chief Executive, South East Midlands LEP Claire Haigh, Chief Executive, Greener Transport Solutions Jamie Driscoll, Mayor of North of Tyne Victoria Hills, Chief…
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How the Government can support technical and policy solutions to encourage people to make lower carbon travel choices
This was the second event in our series on Rising to the Challenge: What will it take to decarbonise transport? which took place on Thursday 9 September. Delegates heard from: Professor Stephen Glaister, Emeritus Professor of Transport and Infrastructure, Imperial College London and LSE Huw Merriman MP, Chair of the Transport Select Committee Claire Haigh,…
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Not the journey but the destination: how our whole economy needs to change
This was the first event in our series on Rising to the Challenge: What will it take to decarbonise transport? which took place on Monday 6 September. Delegates heard from: Professor Peter Jones OBE, Professor of Transport and Sustainable Development, UCL Claire Haigh, Chief Executive, Greener Transport Solutions The Rt Hon Lord Deben, Chair, Committee…
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03 March 2020, Decarbonising transport: a Transport Knowledge Hub national workshop
On 3 March 2020, the Transport Knowledge Hub held a national workshop focused on how to provide a credible framework for the decarbonisation of transport. The key question for discussion was: “What would be a credible and politically deliverable framework for the decarbonisation of transport that will deliver the necessary emissions reductions in the shortest…
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03 September 2019, The Future of Mobility: a Transport Knowledge Hub national workshop
On 3 September 2019, the Transport Knowledge Hub held a national workshop on the Future of Mobility. The Future of Mobility was the first of a series of events which will focus on the role of transport in finding solutions to the Government’s four Grand Challenges as set out in the Industrial Strategy: future of…
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