Pathways to Net Zero

This report by Claire Haigh outlines the main conclusions from Greener Transport Solutions research on decarbonising transport.

The key message of the Manifesto for Decarbonising Transportpublished in September 2021, was that Government must turn its focus to behaviour change and demand reduction. The Foundation for Integrated Transport is providing grant funding to support Greener Transport Solutions in developing recommendations that will deliver the necessary traffic reduction.

The Pathways to Net Zero programme begins with a series of roundtable discussions in March 2022, followed by a consultation with the Transport Knowledge Hub community over the summer and a final report in the autumn. The programme is being overseen by the Greener Transport Council of leading academics and experts.

This report outlines the main conclusions from our research and sets out the key themes and questions for discussion.  The central proposition is that we need a whole systems transition to net zero. This will require a paradigm shift in how we think about decarbonising transport.
